Wildlife News |
Blackbuck National Park |
In April 2007, I visited Velavadar Blackbuck National Park , to view India's fastest & very endangered antelope Blackbuck / Kaliyar and India's largest antelope Blue Bull / Bluebuck / Nilgai. This park is known for its gorgeous Lesser Florican, Houbara Bustard and also for winter migrant birds, mainly for four species of Harriers arriving from Europe. I'll again visit this park in winter months to view the glory of lush green grassland after monsoon & to spot some winter migrant birds like harriers, pelicans, flamingoes, saras cranes & common cranes. |
My recent painting 'Soulful Survival' is inspired from this trip. Soon you'll find painting on Blackbuck. Here with my
best childhood friend, like brother Brijesh. |
Grassland of Velavadar NP |
Gir National Park |
I visited the Gir National Park in March 2005, This is a dry scrubland, so very hot, almost 40 degree. I was not sure about seeing animals, in this summer afternoon, but I wanted to see & feel the jungle at afternoon. I had frequent encounters with spotted deer & peafowl. Other animals & birds were not easy to see. But I felt lucky to see Sambar, Nilgai, langur and Wildboar. I could not see the main predator of Gir NP at afternoon, so I again visited the NP at evening, and got one big male lion. |
The lion rests in the dense bushes, but very near to our open vehicle. I took this photo but do not get the perfect light condition. It was a terrific & terrifying experience to see this majestic animal. Only 359 (Census Apr. '05) left in the wild!!!!! |
Spotted deer, largerly found herbivore in Gir forest. I seen young spotted deer, born in previous monsoon season. may be 7 - 8 months old. Female deer looks pretty but shy. Male deer looks impressive and curious. Deer responded very quickly because they are very alert. At evening all deer I have seen looks more alert than afternoon. Gir known for leopard siting at day, but I did not find any. Better luck next time!!!!! |
I spent considerably long time with these wonderful animals, they look at us like they wants to say something to us but we don't understand.What we understand is that these animals required more safe dwelling and no trespassing in their territory by mankind. |
I will soon paint wildlife from this trip, so please look for my new collection of paintings based on this trip and many more from other. |
India Peafow |
Male Peafowl(Peacock), The National bird of India, One of the most beautiful and graceful birds, but it is in great danger due to habitat loss, killing by human for food & feathers. Mostly found in deep in the woods, near village & farms, at gardens. Looks very elegant in courtship display. as shown here. At the climex of this display the tail feathers are vibrated which gives a train a shimmering appearance & creates rustling sound. Mostly at the monsoon season the chorus of the peacock is the best song to listen. |
Female Peafowl(Peahen), not beautiful like male. Very shy than male. At breeding season male forms a harem of 2 to 5 females, each lays 4 to 8 eggs on the ground. Flocking by day and roosting high on the tree at night. This wonderful bird just required the respect from the human. We don't want this majestic bird remain in captivity or become extinct like other peafowl (Green Peafowl & Congo Peafowl). |
One question, Is there single peafowl remain in the city where I live? or I've to search them in the villages and farms? Answer, Yes. The city has only one small holy place where this beautiful bird found, A Lord Shiva Temple. Where these birds can freely roam. Feel Lucky!!!!! after 3 long month search, I found this place. My painting on 'Monsoon Amour' is inspired from this visit. |
Demoiselle Cranes |
In Feb. 2006, I visited the reservoir at village Ramnagar, for Demoiselle Cranes. February considered to be the last month for winter migrant birds in india. I'm very sure to get the glimps of our guest. At this trip I also spotted Black Drongo, Collard Dove, Common Coots, Common Crane, Open-billed Stork, Common Stone Chat, Spot-billed Duck, Northan Shoveler and Greater Coucal. My recent painting 'Indian Rendezvous' on Demoiselle Cranes is inspired from this trip. I hope you'll love to view it. |
Flight of the Demoiselle Cranes |
Spot-billed Duck & Common Coot |
Baya Weaver Birds |
Last year during monsoon I was in search of Baya Weaver Birds in action near different wetlands and river banks. It's always time consuming and challenging task to find some specific species in the wild in action. Here are some images of wetlands birds from that trips. |
Every field work trip gives me opportunities to learn the various aspect of the nature like co-ordination with other species, effective use of available resources, to survive in wretched circumstances etc. |
'Sensuous Summon' a painting on Baya Weaver Birds is inspired from this trip. |
Black Kites |
Last Monsoon, I've visited different places in searching for a new subject. At one place I found a roosting site of a Black Kites with some juveniles also. Black Kite comes under the bird of Pray but as scavenger. At the roosting site I've observed many things like, these kites take-off and landing simultaneously and nearly at 6 o'clock evening all the kites came to this roosting site.Thermal may be the one cause. |
My painting "Acute Perception" is inspired from this trip. |
Indian countryside |
During last few years, life style of particularly the Indian urban area changed a lot, but majority of the Indian people lives in the villages. Thankfully rural people have not changed their traditional life style much, and follow their old beliefs & rituals. Indian countryside has still maintained the charm of true India. |
Here are some images of the Indian Countryside, which I have captured from my different field work trips. |
Traditional Cart of Gujarat |