Testimonials |
Dear Rahul,
I saw your art work on your official website, and i must say it is astounding work. Even more so when you are a self-taught artist. Your painting of a severed Rhino horn oozing blood, is an intensely painful painting; and i would say it has the power to melt the hardest of hearts. I am sure it will be effective in getting people to love and respect rhinos.
I have already 'liked your Facebook page, and i'll soon be going through your paintings there. I am really glad i got to connect with you on Facebook! :)
Keep up this wonderful activity that is your heart's calling!
Mr. Sujat Shah, Nature Photographer, INDIA |
Dear Rahul,
It was a lucky day when your father introduced me to your websight. I have
gladly visited your sight and enjoyed a lot.Though Professionly I was a banker,
I was very much and still am interested in wild life. I had even met Roubin
David who was at that time(1970) was the boss of the Kankaria Zoo at
Ahmedabad.Though I was a B.Sc. Chemistry student. I wanted to serve in the Zoo,
So that I could pass all my time with the animals.However, he wanted a graduate
with zoology degree.I was turned down.But my burnig desire took me to Gir forest
where I could see a pride of 17 lions(family) That was one of my few lucky days.
I enjoyed your "Tawny eagle", "Strange noise"and "The Curious eyes"very much.All
your paintings and photos are very good. You will be far more accredited in
Europe and America,than in India. You really deserve the credetials and
testimonials you have received. I have noticed that in one of the wildlife
societies, you represent India as you are the only INDIAN MEMBER. This is really
something. May you flourish in your art and show the world a path to save the
gradually diminishing wildlife in India.
- Mr. D. R. Thakrar, Ex Bank Manager & Wildlife Enthusiast, INDIA |
wow Rahulbhai I'm fan of you great paintings lovely collection wonder keep going.
- Teerath Singh, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA |
Lovely collection and Great work. Keep them coming and keep rocking Rahulbhai :)
- Shivakumar L Narayan , Wildlife Photographer, INDIA |
Rahul, I'm very impressed by your painting skills. Absolutely mindblowing. They convery our wildlife and related problems beautifully. Please keep up the good work and I shall endeavour to have some of those frames up on my living room wall :-)
- Ramit Singal , Wildlife Photographer & Birder, INDIA |
Continue the Wonderful work Rahul. Your art will inspires others to conserve what is left in the wild. Good luck.
- Yash Chhaya , Ecocare India, USA |
Your paintings and drawings are beautiful. I especially like your recent tawny eagle. I think you are showing a unique style already, which is very good!
- Janice Sexton, Professional Wildlife Artist, USA |
Hi Rahul,
Lovely. I can now imagine why you took 5 months for the painting. I think looking at the painting in its full size would give far greater pleasure. How did you get the inspiration for this painting? I looked at the other paintings as well. They are very nice. You have an eye for details, which an artist should have. I can safely predict that you will mature like wine. My advice to art collectors is to collect your art work now. A day will come when you will be an art collectors delight. Please keep up the good work. Cheers,
- Sabyasachi Patra, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA |
Hi Rahul,
Thank you for your message . I have visited you website today - your work is beautiful in both colour & perspective, and I see that you have a love for portraying your wildlife in its own environment. Your website design is splendid and does not distract in any way from your paintings but blends beautifully.
- Kerry Newell, Professional Wildlife Artist, U.K. |
Dear Rahul,
I visited your site and its interesting. I believe that you have a great future....
- Dr. Bharat Jethva, Wetland International - South Asia, INDIA. |
Hi Rahul,
Honestly speaking wild-life photography is 80% (being at the right place and right time) + 20% (photography skills) I visited your website and that's where I found the 100% creativity and art. You are very talented. Keep up the good work.
- Mandar Tigga, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
I just visited your site - you have a nice collection of wildlife art. Best of luck to you.
- Ganesh H Shankar, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
I have seen your paintings at your website and they're a treat to watch. I must admit that I haven't seen much work of this genre elsewhere. It's an interesting and very impressive collection of work of art.
- Gaurav Sharma, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
I have seen your website, you are really a great artist. Keep it up.
- Neeraj Mishra, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Hello Rahul,
I went through your web page and must say you have done some wonderful art work. I will for sure keep in mind and let interested people know about your work and your site. All the best for the future.
- Ram Narayanan, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Hi Rahul,
Excellent work. It's great to see an Indian wildlife artist! keep going!
- AB Apana, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
Saw your website, amazing work you are doing, very nice.
- Neeraj Mistry, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
Your work looks great and we would have no hesitation in allowing you to be a member of MIWAS. In fact you would be our first member from India!
- Pip Mcgarry, Professional Wildlife Artist & Chairman: MIWAS, U. K. |
Dear Rahul,
I have visited your website and like your artwork, I particularly like your painting "Indian Rendezvous". I have also read parts of your blog and totally agree with you regarding your views on Conservation and caring for our precious planet.
- Susan Shimeld, Professional Wildlife Artist, U. K. |
Dear Rahul,
Congratulations on some great works!
- Elizabeth Himmerich, U. S. |
I've spent lot of time at your website and I think your work is wonderful. I specially like the 'Monsoon Amour' piece.
- April Reese, U. S. |
Hi, I was surfing the web when I came across your site which is very nice by the way. I really like the big cats.
- David Dory, Contemporary Artist, U. S. |
A very nice attempt rather successful attempt. Wildlife painting is little harder subject than wildlife photography to bring the reality in more precise way. Wish you all the goodluck.
- Dipak Gajjar, Wildlife Photographer, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
I've seen your paintings and think I'm in jungle. It is much appreciated that you've tried to convey the message of animal behaviour, feelings, expressions, actions and wild atmosphere. Congratulations for creating such amazing artworks.
- Nishant Dave, INDIA. |
We like your wildlife paintings very much, keep it up! We liked your absolute love for nature. Wishing you a best wishes.
- Shripal & Monica, INDIA |
Dear Rahul,
Each painting represents your heart touching feelings for wildlife. The way you show your feeling is incredible. God bless you. Hope you will get whatever you wish in your life. Keep it up.
- Neema Patel, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
After seeing your paintings, I thought that you have a very good sense to see nature & love nature. You must live in nature, and I'm really impressed with your 'Monsoon Amour' painting. Best wishes.
- Shashank, Art Student, INDIA. |
After viewing your paintings I feel very pleased. I particularly like the work of eyes in your paintings, It looks real.
- J. B. Zala, INDIA. |
The collection of different wildlife creatures is marvellous. A very interesting and effective way of generating awareness for the most beautiful and endangered species. Thank you for such a bright effort.
- A well wisher. |
Dear Rahul,
I've seen many paintings but for the very first time i come across to such paintings with upmost reality and colour mixing. Two dimensional paintings looks three dimensional. I'm very pleased. With best wishes.
- Jayant Patel, INDIA. |
It is nice to see the interest in wildlife art and the encouragement you are getting from your parents. Keep it up and enlarge the scope.
- V. Nagaraj, INDIA. |
Excellent work and good consentration at work to give the actual look. One of the most important step to give the idea for saving wildlife. Congratulations and wish you a good luck for future.
- Sachin Mehta, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
Congratulations, No words to speak for the amazing paintings made by you.
- Arpit Rajpara, INDIA. |
Dear Rahul,
Very good! I'm really impressed with your work. I can't believe that anyone can paint this type of painting, but right now i feel great! I feel like i'm in jungle. Such a good work. Congratulations.
- Amit Hirani, INDIA. |